Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)
Word for 2010: Perpetual. Similar to the title of this blog (please don’t deduct points for lack of creativity, I have a point…promise) 2010 was always moving. Always changing. Moving, whether you’re leading the pack, riding the bull, or trailing behind, hanging on for dear life. 2010 has been about moving forward, whether you’re ready to or not.
I kept my heels out the whole way, tried to slow down this incredible roller coaster of a ride I was on, but nothing worked---College came to an end. I graduated.
Quick, take a breath—First apartment.
Are you still with me?—First real, full fledged, 9-5, salaried, with benefits, ADULT JOB.
Don’t fall off, now—first adult paycheck. ChaChing.
Quick, duck---first loan payment.
Ups, downs, life turned left, right, jarring at every corner. Still, It was a rush. I don’t think I’ve fully comprehended it just yet, to be honest.
2010 was about perpetual goals and perpetual problems. Some of them I reached, some of them I confronted. I failed on some and hid from others. It’s a never ending game but so far—I’m still in it to win it.
Every year kind of ends the same for me. I always envision December 31st as the finish line, and I always picture myself striding towards the finish line, confidently in first place with a big smile on my face. And yet, at the end of every year, I feel like one of the last ones, trailing behind the pack struggling to hold on and just finish.
2010 won’t be any different. But this time, I at least feel like I’m in the middle. I’m not winning, but I’m not losing. And the finish line isn’t quite the finish line this year, although it seems like it for many things. No, this year its simply the half way point.
I’m in the middle of so many things, both good and bad, that they won’t be completed when 2010 gains a +1. But, a new year doesn’t always mean a new you, it just means a new chance to change and refine. And it’s what I’ll keep on doing.
Perpetual love. Perpetual memories. Perpetual flux. Ceaseless. Unbroken, running, uninterrupted, unremitting. For better or for worse, I’m still moving—right on into 2011.
Word for 2011: Color The past year, I’ve felt like I’m dreaming in black and white. My life is a simple line drawing; it exists. It functions. But it’s a mere frame of what could be a masterpiece. It is the beginning building block. It lacks life. Depth. Perspective. Accents and shadows. Don’t get me wrong, I’m getting there. I’m piecing my heart, mind and soul back together from the damage of the past. Goal for this year? Fill that line drawing with glorious, exhilarating, and fulfilling color.
Despite my fragmented writing (it’s a little late at night), I thought quite a bit about this one. This post will define how I want my 2011 to be moving forward. I’m all about outlines and structures, so I spent quite some time thinking about it. And, since I’m a graphic designer, I broke it down for you based on color spectrum.
Dear Self,
Red—Red stands for passion, love. Discover what you’re passionate about—and pursue it. You’ve started already with voice lessons, but go further. Feel love again; really, really feel it. You’ve closed most of your heart down in survival mode to save it from damage. But you’ve got to learn to open it up again. Love others around you, love what you do, and most importantly—love yourself.
Green—natural, health, environmental. Nature has always been special, a quiet sanctuary of thought and inspiration. I think its why you enjoy hunting so much, the hours in the woods with just yourself and your thoughts. Get back in touch with that. Experience more sunsets. More sunrises. Climb mountains and touch the clouds. Spend an afternoon at the dock. Go swimming in the ocean, Feel the wind, the rain, the sun. Green is also health; take care of your health. Take vitamins, get enough sleep, drink more water, easy on the soda and sweets, and for Christ sake get your butt back to the gym, young lady.
Blue—Security, Space, Trust. I need to learn to feel safe. Sounds strange, but sometimes my body and mind feel like they’re constantly on defense mode, even when there’s no reason to be. I need to feel secure in my own heart, my own mind, and my own body.
Cyan—emotional healing, serenity/peace. This is an important one, especially for the coming year. 2010 was a turbulent one emotion wise, and unfortunately it won’t get any better in the next few months. Life isn’t always rainbows and ponies—its knowing you’re going to get a few scars and just having the Neosporin ready. As the year progresses, heal and finally find yourself in a better emotional state. One day you’ll take a deep breath, smile, and finally feel at peace with everything around you.
Magenta—energetic, strong, artistic. Put energy and fun back into you life. Never forget that underneath the 9-5, health insurance, Flexible spending account, 401k, and student loans, I’m still a kid. Eat ice cream once in awhile. Stay up late. Blow bubbles in your milk. Don’t step on the cracks in the sidewalk. Sing your heart out to every Backstreet Boy and NSYNC song you hear. Dance—in your PJs. Spend a Saturday watching cartoons. Put that little kid in your briefcase and take it to work with you—every single day.
Yellow—cheer, friendship. Frankly, smile more. Laugh. Laugh until you cry. Help others until your heart bursts with overwhelming joy and happiness—and then continue to help some more. Reach out to strangers. Rekindle lost friendships, strengthen current ones, and if you have to, sever destructive ones. You’ll find your support system.
Black (absence of color)—Look deep inside yourself, constant internal examination and reflection. Remove everything and simply—be. Focus. Remember where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. Put life in perspective. Realize how far you’ve come and how far you’ve still to go and evaluate your progress. Keep the internal fire going.
In 2011, I want to give color to me. I want to inspire. I want to help others paint their masterpiece. I want t leave my mark, how ever elaborate or simple, on every person, place or thing I come across. More importantly, I want to give shape to my own life. Beautiful, rich, colorful shape.

How will you leave your mark? How will you put color into your life?